Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Mason Missile, September 24, 2024

Greetings, Americans! We are coming up to the High Holy Days, Rosh haShona and Yom Kippur. We have been going through Elul, which, according to custom, is the time to reflect on our lives during the previous year. This is also the time to make amends for anything negative we have committed; in this spirit, I ask forgiveness to anyone I might have wronged, and if anyone out there has wronged me, I forgive them. My forgiveness, however, does not apply to Donald whatshisface and his running mate and pet boy JD vance. Trump went on the debate against Kamala Harris (pronounced KA-ma-la) at the National Constitution Center, located in Philadelphia (I’m proud to say, https://constitutioncenter.org/). Harris is the kind of happy warrior leader we need to fight trump-style fascism (yes I WILL use that word!), fighting the good fight on genuine issues (instead of trump’s whining about windmills causing cancer) having fun along the way. Aside from the dangers trump poses to our country and to the world (all very real), I got a kick out of trump making a damn fool of himself, while Harris stood there confident and in charge. (https://abc.com/movies-and-specials/0ff50ff8-d36b-4d74-a943-839d568932a9) The craziest part was when trump, talking about Haitian immigrants in Sprin gfield, Ohio, “They’re eating the dogs, they’re eating the cats.” (https://www.msnbc.com/deadline-white-house/watch/trump-s-racist-lie-that-people-are-eating-dogs-this-is-the-logical-end-of-the-republican-party-219321413745) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHycpIhnFcU) Harris got a good laugh out of it, so did I, but the slander caused serious problems for Springfield, such as bomb threats at the schools, City Hall, and the Haitian community. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hx05dAFNPb4) On top of all that, vance was interviewed on CNN by Dana Bash; (https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/15/politics/video/sotu-bash-vance-haitian-immigrants-full-interview) Bash informed vance that the allegations about Haitian immigrants stealing geese from the ponds, along with the “stealing cats and dogs” story, could not be verified, and that the Haitian immigrants have proven to be good workers, primarily in the steel industry. But vance, smiling through all this, and linked it with the trump-MAGA whine about “open borders” and letting “these people” in. He knew the stories he repeated were non-verifiable, but it made for some propaganda to feed the MAGA-ists. It’s an old American tale: accuse some or another ethnic group, particularly people of color, of every sin and crime you can imagine, and saying they’re dirty and stupid, and that they would just sit all day and collect welfare AND take jobs away from “real” Americans, and so the State must keep them under control, either with over-policing, or oppressive working conditions at rock-bottom pay, or artificially-enforced unemployment, so workers would fight among themselves for a scant number of jobs available. It’s an old racist trick all through our politics, and trump, whose racism and anti-Semitism is all too genuine, has picked up on it, and has brought out the racism and hate lurking inside his voters. Class, the dirty little secret of American society, also gets into this, with socially and economically elite classes similarly looking down on working and low-income people, assuming they’re good for nothing but toiling at an assembly line for their benefit, or else they would be drugging, or boozing, or screwing. And so trump and vance keep feeding the public the narrative about what the terrible things immigrants allegedly do, since they believe the American people to be stupid enough to believe it. Don’t fall for it, Americans. We’re better than this as a nation. On November 7, we must go to the viting booth in record number and VOTE, for Kamala Harris and the entire Democratic slate, and strike a blow to trump and his MAGA minions. Vote blue, all the way through. Stay safe, stay strong, and stay together! Stop Project 2025! Slava Ukraini! Am Yisrael Chai! America will be free! Bye!

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