Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Mason Moment with John Oliver Mason, June 25, 2024: "What do we thin...

I speak about the Torah portion Shelah-Lecha, and of the need to control our minds for the upcoming election.

Monday, June 24, 2024

The Mason Missile, June 24, 2024

Greetings, Americans! It has happened: Donald t---p, the twice-impeached, raping, cheating, stealing, ignorant, self-centered sick bastard who lurked around the white House, has been formally indicted for falsifying business records to hide the hush-money payments to Stormy Daniels, to keep their affair quiet during the 2016 presidential election. (https://manhattanda.org/d-a-bragg-announces-34-count-felony-trial-conviction-of-donald-j-trump/) (https://apnews.com/article/trump-trial-deliberations-jury-testimony-verdict-85558c6d08efb434d05b694364470aa0) We are at the end of LGBTQ+ Pride Month, when Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning (as in young kids, growing up, ask themselves, “Am I gay?”) show their pride and self-acceptance of who they are and what their sexuality is, and knowing there are others just like them. It’s also a time to fight against those who, “for the noblest of reasons, like religious liberty,” seek to find any excuse to pare down, slice by slice, any or all of the advancements they have made in civil and human rights, and acceptance as citizens. Such attempts include, but not limited to, laws dictating which gender bathroom trans kids go to in school, complaints about libraries hosting drag queen story times, school libraries having LGBTQ+ themed books on the shelves (that show gay kids that there are, and have been in history, others like them)—the list goes on. Because of these dangerous crusades, gay kids will get the idea that there’s something wrong with being gay—and that THEY THEMSELVES are wrong and evil for being gay. These same crusaders against LGBTQ+-ness, as part of the evangelical rightist movement, have attached themselves politically to the twice-impeached, thrice-married, tax-cheating, wife-cheating, business-cheating, golf-cheating, nation-cheating, rapist and indicted criminal as their presidential candidate. The interesting thing is, so many of these evangelical campaigners have been found out to be sexually off base themselves. Case in point: Robert Morris, senior pastor of Gateway church, a Texas megachurch, and a “spiritual advisor” for trump, has been found to have had “inappropriate sexual behavior with a young lady” who was TWEVE YEARS OLD at the time. (https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/trump-adviser-pastor-robert-morris-confesses-sexual-behavior-rcna157474) The list goes on. The evangelical political movement has shown its corruption by having such a corrupt person as their standard-bearer. If you want to what a second trump regime (God forbid!) looks like, read about the document popularly called “Project 2025,” put out by the Heritage Foundation, a so-called “think-tank” designed to dress up the most reactionary ideas in the best academic finery. This has been called the “bible” of another trump administration, whose main author is Russel Vought, who was trump’s Director of the Office of Management and Budget. (https://www.thenation.com/article/society/russell-vought-center-renewing-america-christian-nationalism/) Vought, after leaving the government (thank God!), assembled the Center for Renewing America, another position-paper factory, and their documents have gone on about returning America to be “one Nation Under God,” and whining about schools grooming children by drag shows and “wokeness.” Project 2025 has a strong dose of Christian Nationalism to it. These are some more of the thoughts this think-tank has been thinking: Concentrate all power upon a unitary executive; this follows the Unitary Executive Theory, which states that the Congress cannot control or limit the President’s power over the executive branch. It was an idea common in the George W. Bush administration, that the President has the absolute authority to locate military forces upon his orders, and arrest and detain persons. It was advanced by John Woo, an attorney in the Office of Legal Counsel in the Bush II administration, during the “War On Terror.” (https://www.acslaw.org/expertforum/exploring-the-limits-of-presidential-power/); Eliminate the Departments of Justice, of Education, of Commerce, and of Homeland Security, and the FBI (which used to be conservatives’ favorite bureaucracy, along with the military), eliminate cabinet secretaries and replace career civil servants with trump loyalists and flunkies (https://www.alternet.org/authoritarianism-project-2025-trump/); Eliminate protections against discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity; Direct the military to perform domestic law enforcement functions, thereby declaring war on its own fellow-citizens; arrest and deport immigrants; and implement capital punishment with swift “finality.” (https://www.phillytrib.com/commentary/the-death-of-america-as-we-know-it/article_388920c1-1442-54ba-865c-d9b8923f06c8.html) Also in Project 2025 is the idea of restoring the military draft, so that young men and women would be compelled to serve under a commander-in-chief who regards them as “Suckers” and “Losers,” and would not hesitate to use them as cannon fodder for some egocentric war, so he could make himself look like a REAL man; and there would be no anti-war movement to stop it. (https://cardinalpine.com/2024/06/17/trump-mandatory-military-service/) It’s a common political fantasy on the right: look for a “strong man” dictator who would destroy the unclean, non-conforming, and dissenting elements of our society, and not let a silly little thing like Civil and Human Rights, or democracy, get in his way. the evangelical right has, as I have stated, been corrupted by its proximity to power, from the Reagan administration through trump. Its whole agenda anymore is to bash LGBTQ+ people: bash Jews, Muslims and other religious minorities; and ignore discrimination of people based on race and class. BUT—all is not lost. The presidential election coming up on November 5 will give us the opportunity to end this scheme of dictatorship, by us going out IN DROVES to the ballot box. But concern yourself with the polls; one thing I can’t stand is when the news media acts like trump will win, even before we’ve voted, so why bother to vote? DO go out and vote, and we will thwart trump and his nightmare of dictatorship. We’ve GOT this! Stay safe, stay strong, and stay together! Slava Ukraini! Am Yisrael chai! America will be free! Bye!

Monday, June 17, 2024

The Mason Moment June 17 2024: "Trump andThe CEOs"

I speak about trump's address to corporate CEOs, and of corporate corruption.

Monday, June 10, 2024

The Mason Moment with John Oliver Mason, June 10, 2024: "Trump's Probati...

I speak about trump's Probation Hearing and His Las Vegas rally.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Mason Moment, June 4, 2024

I speak about the history behind Juneteenth, the Tulsa Race Massacre on 1921, and the attempts at censoring teaching about such topics.